AHRA Charter

Allegheny Highlands Repeater Association – AHRA

Document of Organization (Charter)

  1. This Document of Organization supersedes, in whole, all previous versions.
  2. Name:
    The name of this organization shall be Allegheny Highlands Repeater Association, subsequently referred to as: AHRA.
  3. Purpose:
    The purpose of the AHRA shall be to facilitate the proliferation of amateur radio in all aspects including newer technologies, as well as traditional ones. Our goal is to portray amateur radio in a true way that new comers will gravitate into the amateur radio service.
  4. Membership:
    Membership shall be open to any person possessing an amateur radio license who actively supports AHRA’s purposes as set forth in this document. We reserve the right to decline membership to anyone the board deems to not represent the goals and mission of this organization.
  5. Officers:
    The AHRA board shall have four officers, two Chief Executive Officers (CEO), a secretary and a treasurer.  The positions of CEO, if permanently vacated, shall be filled through a nomination and vote of the membership.  The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the CEOs.  Members may be designated as an Amateur Radio License Trustee. There shall be one trustee per club callsign.  The Trustee shall establish and maintain an Amateur Radio Club Station for the exclusive use of the licensed members of AHRA, and shall carry out the duties designated by the Federal Communication Commission for the trustee of this station. In the event that the trustee can no longer perform the duties of Trustee, he shall designate another Association member who holds an amateur license to apply to the FCC to succeed him as trustee. Both CEOs shall concur in the selection of this new Trustee.
  6. Dues:
    AHRA shall not collect dues unless deemed absolutely necessary by the officers for ongoing expenses required for the operation of the organization.
  7. Meetings:
    All meetings of the AHRA shall be informal and may be called at the discretion of at least two officers. Such meetings may take place, in person, over amateur radio or through other electronic communication means.
  8. Use of Club Repeaters/Nodes:
    Any member wishing to use the AHRA’s amateur radio repeaters, internet gateway, etc. for transmitting purposes must satisfy the trustee as to their authority to do so by presenting a copy of their amateur radio license. Both of the CEOs and the trustee must approve requests to utilize the station’s callsign for special operating events. A copy of the station log with operators signatures must be submitted to the Trustee for filing after an approved special operating event is concluded.
  9. Minutes:
    Meeting minutes of the AHRA are maintained by the Secretary at his/her discretion.


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